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Brothers Osborne

Brothers Osborne

Spotify Insights

Over 1.3M+ followers on spotify, Popular for country, country rock music genre.

Biography & Real Name

Brothers Osborne is an American country music duo consisting of brothers T.J. Osborne (vocals) and John Osborne (guitar). They hail from Deale, Maryland, where they grew up surrounded by music. The duo's real names are Thomas John Osborne and John Thomas Osborne.


Brothers Osborne have released several successful albums, including 'Pawn Shop' (2016), 'Port Saint Joe' (2018), and 'Skeletons' (2020). Their discography showcases a blend of traditional country roots with modern sounds, earning them critical acclaim and a loyal fan base.

Total Listeners and Followers on Music Platforms

Brothers Osborne have a strong presence on music platforms. As of the latest data, they have over 3 million monthly listeners on Spotify and 700,000 followers on Apple Music. Their music resonates with a wide audience, showcasing their popularity in the country music scene.

Playlist featuring Brothers Osborne


How did the Brothers Osborne band come together?

Brothers John and TJ Osborne formed the band in Deale, Maryland, in 2013.

What genre of music do the Brothers Osborne play?

The Brothers Osborne are known for their country music, infused with rock and Americana influences.

Have the Brothers Osborne won any awards?

Yes, the duo has won several awards, including CMA and ACM Awards for their music.

Where have the Brothers Osborne toured?

The Brothers Osborne have toured across the United States and internationally, performing at various music festivals and venues.

Do the Brothers Osborne write their own songs?

Yes, John and TJ Osborne are talented songwriters who have penned many of their own songs.

What is the Brothers Osborne's discography?

The Brothers Osborne have released multiple albums, including 'Pawn Shop' and 'Port Saint Joe'.

Album featuring Brothers Osborne

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