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Over 1.2M+ followers on spotify, Popular for music genre.
Biography & Real Name
Mark Ronson, born Mark Daniel Ronson, is a British-American musician, DJ, songwriter, and record producer. He was born on September 4, 1975, in London, England. Ronson comes from a family with a rich musical background, as his mother is a socialite and songwriter, and his stepfather is Mick Jones of the band Foreigner.
Mark Ronson has released a number of successful albums throughout his career, including 'Here Comes the Fuzz' (2003), 'Version' (2007), 'Record Collection' (2010), 'Uptown Special' (2015), and 'Late Night Feelings' (2019). His discography showcases his versatility as a producer and artist, incorporating elements of pop, funk, and soul.
Popular Songs
Unfortunately, there is not an extensive list of popular songs provided specifically for Mark Ronson at this moment. Please check the latest music platforms for the most up-to-date information on his popular tracks.
As of the latest data available, Mark Ronson has over 15 million monthly listeners on Spotify and 5 million followers. On Apple Music, his music is enjoyed by a wide audience with over 8 million listeners. These numbers highlight his significant presence in the music industry.
Awards and Achievements
Mark Ronson has garnered numerous awards and accolades throughout his career, including multiple Grammy Awards for his work as a producer and songwriter. He is known for his innovative production style and collaborative efforts with top artists in the industry.
Playlist featuring Mark Ronson
What is Mark Ronson's real name?
Mark Daniel Ronson
When was Mark Ronson born?
September 4, 1975
Which instruments does Mark Ronson play?
Guitar, bass guitar, keyboards, drums
Is Mark Ronson related to Samantha Ronson?
Yes, Samantha Ronson is his sister
What is Mark Ronson's most famous song?
Uptown Funk featuring Bruno Mars
Has Mark Ronson won any Grammy Awards?
Yes, he has won multiple Grammy Awards
Album featuring Mark Ronson