Spotify Insights
Over 11.4M+ followers on spotify, Popular for music genre.
Biography & Real Name
Pitbull, whose real name is Armando Christian Pérez, is a renowned American rapper, singer, and songwriter.
Pitbull has an extensive discography that includes hit albums like 'M.I.A.M.I.', 'Planet Pit', 'Global Warming', and many more.
Popular Songs
A list of popular songs by Pitbull.
Notable Songs and Collaborations
Details about Pitbull's notable songs and collaborations with other artists.
Total Listeners and Followers
Pitbull has millions of listeners and followers on music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and others. Specific numbers may vary but typically range in the millions.
Awards and Achievements
Pitbull has won numerous awards and accolades throughout his career, including Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Awards, and more.
Playlist featuring Pitbull
What is Pitbull's real name?
Pitbull's real name is Armando Christian Pérez.
When was Pitbull born?
Pitbull was born on January 15, 1981.
What genre of music does Pitbull primarily perform?
Pitbull primarily performs in the genre of reggaeton, hip hop, and pop.
How many albums has Pitbull released?
Pitbull has released several albums, including hits like 'Global Warming' and 'Climate Change.'
Where is Pitbull from?
Pitbull was born in Miami, Florida, United States.
Has Pitbull collaborated with other artists?
Yes, Pitbull has collaborated with various artists across different genres, creating hit songs.